Bring a friend! The public is encouraged to attend.
SATURDAY, OCTOBER 26 @ 1:30 pm
1:30 Refreshments − 2:00 Members Meeting − 3:00 Break − 3:15 Dr. Hutner − 4:15 Wrap-up
Dr. Heidi Hutner
Stony Brook University
ACCIDENTS CAN HAPPEN: The Women of Three Mile Island
We are honored to be joined by Stony Brook University professor, Heidi Hutner, filmmaker, writer, producer. Former Chair of Sustainability Studies and former Associate Dean in the School of Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences at SBU, Hutner is a scholar of gender and nuclear history. She films, writes, and teaches about ecofeminism, race, nuclearity, and the environment.
At this October 26th event, Heidi Hutner will screen a short from her documentary feature, Accidents Can Happen: The Women of Three Mile Island. The documentary tells the story of the women from Three Mile Island. This is the tale of four mothers– Linda, Joyce, Beth and Paula—ordinary American housewives who lived five miles from the nuclear power plant at the time of the meltdown. The accident turned their lives upside down and awakened them to the politics of the nuclear industry and the silencing of truth. The mothers fought back and organized, forming, “Concerned Mothers and Women,” an antinuclear advocacy group.
A woman-led movement was galvanized on a larger scale as well by Three Mile Island meltdown, as the documentary will show, including the likes of Dr. Helen Caldicott, Jane Fonda, Bonnie Raitt, Winona LaDuke, and German Greens co-founder, Petra Kelly, and Aileen Mioko Smith (Japan), among many others.
Three Mile Island story is also located within a larger framework, as nuclear weapons and power are rooted in systemic patriarchy.
Throughout nuclear history, women’s voices have been silenced. Women have been excluded from participation in nuclear policy-making; women and girls are most harmed by radiation exposures; socio-economically, women and children suffer most in nuclear disasters; and women who speak up and seek the truth are called “hysterical” or “radiophobic.”
Despite it all–women play a vital role in peace and antinuclear advocacy, as Accidents Can Happen shows. These heroic female stories must be told.
FILM INFO: https://www.accidentscanhappenthefilm.com/ Womenofthreemileisland@gmail.com
MEETING INFO: www.NewEnglandCoalition.org necnp@necnp.org 802-380-4462