The multimedia exhibit “One Town, Many Voices: News and Book Publishing in Brattleboro Over Time” is inspired by the new book Print Town: Brattleboro’s Legacy of Words, a treasure trove of Brattleboro’s long history and ongoing legacy of printing and publishing, as well as the scores of audio stories created by community members for the newly launched Brattleboro Words Trail. The opening features a free 5:30 pm panel discussion “That’s News to Me: Covering Brattleboro Today” with veteran reporters and editors from the Brattleboro Reformer (publishing daily since 1913, weekly since 1876), The Commons (one of the first weekly newspapers in the US to embrace a non-profit model) and others, followed by a robust audience Q&A and reception where the public can meet these professionals one on one. The moving photos and letters of Brattleboro’s own WW1 Nurse Marion McCune Rice and Brattleboro Words Trail ceramic murals by Cynthia Parker Houghton also continue on view.