Onyxed Goat , New Work of Justin A. Kenney & Laura Jane Walker
A multi-media showing of new work by Laura Jane Walker and Justin A. Kenney. Partners in life and Art, Walker and Kenney have collaborated on this exhibition which showcases the artists at the heights of their respective technical and creative lives in the studio. Shellack, nails, rusted metals, pine board, are some of the materials used in these large collaged assemblages which also involve carving and burning to create depth and sheen. These works live on the cusp of abstraction. Kenny, a sculptor by trade, creates architectural forms, with an urban sensibility. Walker by contrast, creates anthropomorphically, enlisting the i-ching for inspiration, allowing her forms to spread out before her, until there is a clear sense of presence which can be formally honed and defined through the various techniques in her employ. Together, this body of work illuminates the inspirational dynamic of a team sharing space, an evolving ideology and a passion for making. This show will be up until November 1.