Nu Mu 3: The Land of Mu | Spontaneous Music and Art Festival. Every Weekend in August. Click for More Info

Informational Meeting and Debate Watch Party for Warren 2020

118 Elliot

Hosted by Elizabeth Warren for President 2020 This event is an organizing and informational meeting for folks who want to ask questions, get involved in, or are interested in hearing more about the Elizabeth Warren campaign here in Vermont. We will get updates from campaign staff, have opportunities to ask questions and access resources, and […]

New Year’s Eve Tango Milonga

A special New Year's Eve Tango Milonga Ring in the new year with Brattleboro Tango! The Brattleboro Tango Community delights in welcoming dancers of all shapes, colors & sizes, regardless of genders or role preferences. Come as you are. No partner required. Soft-soled shoes or socks – no outdoor shoes please. We hold classes every […]

Music Improvisation Night

118 Elliot

Music Improvisation Nights at 118 Elliot (Two Thursdays a month, after Ear Training) Led by Anna Patton and Guest Teachers For instrumentalists and vocalists: jump into the creation of improvised music through group improvisations, game-pieces, graphic scores, and more. Participants will have the chance to create their own structures for improvisation as well as learning […]

Students as Storytellers: Local Histories with Students

118 Elliot

The Brattleboro Words Project The Roundtable Discussion Series Brattleboro Area Middle School and Brattleboro Union High School students will share their experiences in learning local history through community-based research and audio storytelling with the Brattleboro Historical Society. Presenting students will be led by Joe Rivers and Bill Holiday, longtime BAMS & BUHS teachers and Historical […]

Society Project Films Premiere

118 Elliot

The Society Project (in a time of Climate Change) Friday, January 17 at 7pm 118 Elliot A screening of the community interviews created by Hilltop Montessori Middle School students for The Society Project. The Hilltop Montessori Middle School has dedicated this academic year to the study of climate change and crisis. The class spent the […]

Brattleboro Farm Stories

118 Elliot

On Sunday, January 19, from 3-5 pm, the Vermont Folklife Center, Brattleboro Words Project and 118 Elliot will present Brattleboro Farm Stories, a FREE community storytelling event bringing together local farmers and residents to share personal reflections on our region’s agricultural heritage at 118 Elliot Street, Brattleboro, Vermont. Set amongst the backdrop of Richard Brown’s […]

The Architecture + Design Film Series | The Proposal

118 Elliot

Directed by Jill Magid (2018, USA, 86 mins) Upon the death of architect Luis Barragan in 1988, much of his design work was privately purchased and concealed from the world's view. In this film, artist Jill Magid creates a daring proposition that becomes a fascinating artwork in itself, an act of negotiation that explores how […]

Words Project Book Sale

118 Elliot

A book sale of fiction, nonfiction, art books, signed and rare books—all to benefit the publication of Brattleboro: A Print Town, a book on Brattleboro's printing and publishing history.

African Drum & Dance with Assane Coly & Aziz Bara Niang

118 Elliot

African Dance Vermont is happy to announce that two special guest teachers, Assane Coly and Aziz Bara Niang will be coming back to the area to teach Senegalese sabar drum and dance on Wednesday February 5th. The classes will take place at 118 Elliot Street in Brattleboro, VT.  The drum class is from 6:00 to 7:00 […]

Vermont Vermouth Grand Opening Party

118 Elliot

Vermont Vermouth's grand opening party to celebrate the release of their first products! There will be tasting tastings, pairings, vermouth by the glass, and bottles to go. What is vermouth? Vermouth is fortified wine that has been infused with secret blends of herbs and spices. In the U.S., vermouth is classically used in cocktails, such […]