Nu Mu 3: The Land of Mu | Spontaneous Music and Art Festival. Every Weekend in August. Click for More Info

Brattleboro Literary Festival: “True As Steel” by Christina Gibbons & Don McLean

The Brattleboro Literary Festival kicks off this year's 4-day event with a reprise of the play "True As Steel," a play about the life and times of Royall Tyler, the most important Vermont writer of the Federalist era. In 1991 to commemorate the Vermont statehood Bicentennial, Christina Gibbons and Don McLean co-wrote "True as Steel," […]

Brattleboro Literary Festival: A Little Box of Yes

Join 2018 Festival authors Stefan Merrill Block, Kate Greathead, and Noy Holland, along with special guests Michael Preston and Matthew Dicks for improvisational storytelling based on Synapsis, a new storytelling prompt and game from Storymatic Studios (Brian Mooney and Vaune Trachtman)

Here’s how it works: The storytellers will draw cards from the Synapsis box. The cards prompt them to write one sentence. Then they answer questions about the story that sentence comes from— and as they improvise their answers, they begin to discover the story, setting, and characters. Audience participation welcome!

A Little Box of Yes is kind of like if you crossed “Selected Shorts” with “Wait, Wait… Don’t Tell Me” and The Moth.

Brattleboro Literary Festival

Brattleboro Literary Festival events at 118 Elliot, Saturday Oct. 13 - Sunday Oct. 14 Saturday, October 13 10:00 am – 11:15 am Stefan Merrill Block & Teddy Wayne 11:30 am – 12:30 pm Ryan Walsh 12:45 pm – 2:00 pm Kate Greathead & Joan Silber 2:30 pm – 3:45 pm Tom Sleigh & Alia Malek […]

Short Stories/Happy Hour

A Brattleboro Literary Festival Special Event Short story readings, hosted by Tim Weed. In a short story, each paragraph, sentence, and word is more important than they would be inside a large novel. Short stories are precise with their delivery, they must capture the attention of the reader quickly, and tell a full tale from […]


Laundry will feature mostly local women writers of diverse backgrounds and experience reading brief, sometimes raw, personal or confessional pieces in various formats–spoken word, poetry, and creative nonfiction. Readers—Meg Baronian, Shanta Lee Gander, Diana Whitney, Wendy Levy, Verandah Porche, Taite Blaise, Ruth Antoinette Rodriguez and others will present work at this event.

Architecture & Design Film Series: Sabra: The Life and Work of Printmaker Sabra Field

Second film in a monthly film series, SABRA: THE LIFE AND WORK OF PRINTMAKER SABRA FIELD Directed by Bill Phillips 2015, USA, 57 Minutes   This monthly film series is scheduled through May of 2019, and is co-sponsored by the Vermont Chapter of the American Institute for Architecture and local sponsors. Visit for more […]

Roundtable Discussion Series: Archives of Brattleboro

  The Brattleboro Words Project's October second Thursday monthly discussion explores the various important archives available for research in and around Brattleboro. The Roundtable Series is free and open to the public and provides a regular way for participants in the Words Project to meet and discuss on-going research. Refreshments served.

Honoring the Victims of the Pinochet Years

Patricia Perez Valdes, KSC-AIPR Global Fellow will speak on "Honoring the Victims of the Pinochet Years at Chile’s Museum of Memory and Human Rights." She will address this topic drawing from her years of experience in the Education and Audience Department of the Museum of Memory and Human Rights, located in Santiago, Chile.

BCTV Volunteer Appreciation Dinner & Producer Awards Party

Join BCTV staff and board members for our Volunteer Appreciation Dinner and Producer Awards Party! Come and recognize local content producers for the amazing work they've done over the year and shared with viewers all over the world.  Thursday, October 25 from 6 - 8 PM All are welcome - bring your posse/entourage/fan base and […]

Democratic Party Social

Join Democratic nominee for governor Christine Halquist and other candidates for a community gathering.