Nu Mu 3: The Land of Mu | Spontaneous Music and Art Festival. Every Weekend in August. Click for More Info

A People’s Assembly for Climate Emergency

118 Elliot

A People's Assembly will be held on Wednesday August 28th from 6:30pm - 8:00pm at 118 Elliot St. in Brattleboro to discuss the Climate Emergency Declaration that will be on the Brattleboro Select Board agenda on Wednesday September 3rd. The meeting will review the draft of the declaration and help prepare community members interested in […]

Yoga Locally

Yoga Locally Tuesdays 5:00 to 6:30 pm Thursdays 4:00 to 5:15 pm Saturdays 10:00 to 11:30 am Vinyasa yoga by $5-15 donation. All proceeds go to Food Connects, Women's Freedom Center, Turning Point of Windham County, and Windham Child Care Association. Live music accompanies some classes. Heal yourself, heal your community! For updates & more […]

2019 Vermont Excellence in Architecture Awards

118 Elliot

ExhibitSeptember 2019Reception Friday September 6, 2019, 5:30 to 8:30Gallery hours By appointment. Contact American Institute of Architects Vermont chapter's touring exhibition of the 2018 Vermont Excellence in Architecture Awards comes to Brattleboro at 118 Gallery through our ongoing partnership with AIAVT. The 2018 award-winners were selected by a jury of Minneapolis peers from 36 […]

Ear Training for Everyone

118 Elliot

Ear Training for Everyone (Thursdays 5:30 - 7, Sept 12 through Nov 21) Taught by Anna Patton For singers, instrumentalists, and curious listeners; a class to sharpen the musical ears through harmonizing and re-harmonizing well known songs. Participants will learn to analyze the harmonic gist of songs by ear, finding bass lines and learning to […]


Music Improvisation Night

118 Elliot

Improvisation Nights at 118 Elliot Led by Anna Patton and Guest Teachers For instrumentalists and vocalists: jump into the creation of improvised music through group improvisations, game-pieces, graphic scores, and more. Participants will have the chance to create their own structures for improvisation as well as learning existing structures. No experience is needed with free […]

Celebrating Toni: A Memorial in Her Own Words

118 Elliot

Saturday, September 14, 7-9 pm at 118 Elliot 118 Elliot Street, Brattleboro, VT 05301 On Saturday, September 14th there will be a community celebration to honor the words, life, brilliance, and influence of the great Toni Morrison. The event will feature local writers and community members reading the work of Ms. Morrison, followed by an […]

Word Café: Night Writing

118 Elliot

Writing is lonely work. Why not sometimes do it together? An evening writing group for late-risers and 9-5ers. How it Works: We will briefly introduce ourselves and our projects/goals at the beginning of each session, and then work quietly side by side. Writers re-circle for the last fifteen minutes to discuss what they discovered and […]

$5 – $10

The Architecture + Design Film Series: Mies On Scene

Directed by Xavi Campreciós and Pep Martín 2018, Spain, 58 minutes VIEW TRAILER The Architecture + Design Film Series, shown monthly in Brattleboro and Burlington, returns for its seventh season in Burlington, second in Brattleboro, with a screening of MIES ON SCENE: BARCELONA IN TWO ACTS (2018, Directed by Xavi Campreciós & Pep Martín, Spain, […]

“Strength of the Storm” Screening & Discussion

118 Elliot

As part of Climate Strike Week, the Windham Organizing Committee of Vermont Workers Center and Extinction Rebellion Southern Vermont are hosting a screening and discussion of the film Strength of the Storm (2013, directed by Rob Koier, USA, 43 min). This film shows Vermonters who were directly impacted by climate change during the flooding from […]

BrattRock 2019

BrattRock—the Brattleboro Youth Rock Festival, established in 2016—brings together people of all ages to honor and celebrate talented, dedicated, and passionate young musicians. The event serves as an educational opportunity and a chance for area youth to gather and network, as well as to develop and showcase their musical talent in a positive, supportive, non-competitive atmosphere. […]