2019 Vermont Excellence in Architecture Awards

118 Elliot

ExhibitSeptember 2019Reception Friday September 6, 2019, 5:30 to 8:30Gallery hours By appointment. Contact 118elliot@gmail.com@ET-DC@eyJkeW5hbWljIjp0cnVlLCJjb250ZW50IjoicG9zdF90aXRsZSIsInNldHRpbmdzIjp7ImJlZm9yZSI6IiIsImFmdGVyIjoiIn19@The American Institute of Architects Vermont chapter's touring exhibition of the 2018 Vermont Excellence in Architecture Awards comes to Brattleboro at 118 Gallery through our ongoing partnership with AIAVT. The 2018 award-winners were selected by a jury of Minneapolis peers from 36 […]

FREE! – Monthly Architecture + Design Film Series: Louis Sullivan

118 Elliot

Also day-of, virtual screening option. See: https://adfilmseries.org/ Welcome to Season 10 of the Architecture + Design Film Series. We are excited to be hosting in-person screenings again along with same-day online viewing.The essence of design lies in its profound ability to affect how we think about and experience the world. The Architecture & Design Film […]

FREE! – Monthly Architecture + Design Film Series: Bruce Mau, Design the Time of Your Life

118 Elliot

Also day-of, virtual screening option. See: https://adfilmseries.org/ This playful portrait explores the life of design visionary Bruce Mau, revealing his unlikely creative journey and ever-optimistic push to tackle the world’s biggest problems with design. Over the span of his career, this creative dark horse has completed the transformation from world-class graphic designer to designer of […]

FREE! Monthly Architecture + Design Film Series: Mary Cassatt: Painting the Modern Woman

118 Elliot

Join us for this thoughtful, popular, monthly series, free to all, which simultaneously screens live in Brattleboro and Burlington. It is curated/presented by the American Institute for Architects Vermont and hosted by local architect Jim Williams. Full schedule and link for free same-day streamings can be found at the series website at: adfilmseries.org

Monthly Architecture + Design Film Series: Levitated Mass

118 Elliot

Join us for this thoughtful, popular, monthly series, free to all, which simultaneously screens live in Brattleboro and Burlington. It is curated/presented by the American Institute for Architects Vermont and hosted by local architect Jim Williams. Full schedule and link for free same-day streamings can be found at the series website at: adfilmseries.org

Monthly Architecture + Design Film Series: Aalto

118 Elliot

Join us for this thoughtful, popular, monthly series, free to all, which simultaneously screens live in Brattleboro and Burlington. It is curated/presented by the American Institute for Architects Vermont and hosted by local architect Jim Williams. Full schedule and link for free same-day streamings can be found at the series website at: adfilmseries.org

Monthly Architecture + Design Film Series: Alice Street

118 Elliot

Join us for this thoughtful, popular, monthly series, free to all, which simultaneously screens live in Brattleboro and Burlington. It is curated/presented by the American Institute for Architects Vermont and hosted by local architect Jim Williams. Full schedule and link for free same-day streamings can be found at the series website at: adfilmseries.org

Monthly Architecture + Design Film Series: Vanish, Disappearing Icons of a Rural America

118 Elliot

Join us for this thoughtful, popular, monthly series, free to all, which simultaneously screens live in Brattleboro and Burlington. It is curated/presented by the American Institute for Architects Vermont and hosted by local architect Jim Williams. Full schedule and link for free same-day streamings can be found at the series website at: adfilmseries.org

Monthly Architecture + Design Film Series: New England Modernism

118 Elliot

Join us for this thoughtful, popular, monthly series, free to all, which simultaneously screens live in Brattleboro and Burlington. It is curated/presented by the American Institute for Architects Vermont and hosted by local architect Jim Williams. Full schedule and link for free same-day streamings can be found at the series website at: adfilmseries.org

Monthly Architecture + Design Film Series: The Color of Ink

118 Elliot

Join us for this thoughtful, popular, monthly series, free to all, which simultaneously screens live in Brattleboro and Burlington. It is curated/presented by the American Institute for Architects Vermont and hosted by local architect Jim Williams. Full schedule and link for free same-day streamings can be found at the series website at: adfilmseries.org